Example Low FODMAP meal plan

Resource by

Emma Hatcher


27 Jul 2018

Reading Time

3 mins


Example Low FODMAP meal plan

I remember returning home from the doctors the first time it was suggested I follow the Low FODMAP diet. I stepped into my kitchen, opened my kitchen cupboards and quickly closed them again in panic.

I had been given an uninspiring 4-page leaflet, with what felt like a small list of things I could eat and a very long list of things I couldn’t. I didn’t have a clue where to start when it came to cooking meals and I really didn’t want to mess up.

Through determination (and quite possibly, greed) however, I realised that there were lots of delicious recipe options out there, I just needed to be a bit creative. I started spending a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon in the kitchen, planning and prepping my meals for the week ahead; making a batch of overnight oats and roasting a tray of low FODMAP veggies. I worked out that the freezer was my friend and having something delicious and low FODMAP that I could pull out at a moment’s notice was a huge help. And I quickly learnt to carry homemade snacks in my bag, whether that was crackers, granola or chopped up vegetables, so I knew that I had something on hand if I couldn’t find anything suitable on the go. It was tough at first, getting my head around it all, but as soon as I felt better – and realised I could still eat delicious food – it made all the extra effort worthwhile. If anything, I was widening my cooking repertoire and experimenting in the kitchen, much more than I had before!

Here’s an example of what I ate in a week on the elimination phase – which I hope might serve as inspiration for you and help you on your FODMAP journey.

Remember that the elimination phase of the Low FODMAP diet is only for a short period of time. Once you work out your personal tolerances and are on the maintenance phase of the diet, chop and change things to suit you.



Breakfast – Overnight oats made with almond milk and blueberries. Peppermint tea

Lunch – Soft, perfectly chewy low FODMAP Seeded Bagels filled with rocket, smoked salmon and lactose-free cream cheese

Dinner – Salmon with quinoa, roast low FODMAP veggies and olive oil



Breakfast – Two boiled eggs with a slice of low FODMAP toast, cut into soldiers (obviously)

Lunch – Salmon with quinoa, roast low FODMAP veggies and olive oil

Dinner – Chicken and Tomato Pasta

Snack – Lactose free Greek yogurt with a handful of macadamia nuts



Breakfast – Savoury Breakfast Muffins

Lunch – Low FODMAP seeded bagels, filled with grilled chicken, feta and olives. Peppermint tea

Dinner – Pan Fried Battered Fish with a side of salad



Breakfast – A low FODMAP smoothie, made with almond milk, pineapple and spinach

Lunch – Grilled chicken satay salad

Dinner – Fluffy, crispy jacket potato with greens, tuna and cheddar cheese

Snack – Chocolate and Walnut Muffin  



Breakfast – Lactose free Greek yogurt, homemade granola and fruit. Peppermint tea

Lunch – Spinach and tomato omelette

Dinner – Potato or Prosciutto Pizza

Snack – A generous amount of dark chocolate with sea salt. My favourite!



Breakfast – Weekends call for waffles! I love mine drizzled with maple syrup or seasonal fruit compote

Lunch – A few salted rice cakes with cheese and grapes

Dinner – Low FODMAP veggie stir-fry with ginger, rice noodles, sesame oil and soy sauce



Brunch – Poached eggs with smoked salmon, spinach and roasted tomato

Dinner – Stuffed aubergines

Snack – Results of my Sunday baking sesh: Cinnamon Rolls


Every person has different nutritional needs and one size won’t fit all. While this is an example of a weekly Low FODMAP meal plan that I munched my way through, have a chat to your dietician if you have any queries and to check it will work for you.

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