Butter Cake (4th of July)


30 mins


50 mins


1 medium sized cake

Low FODMAP serve

1 slice

butter cake

What you'll need

Butter cake


1 cup (160g) butter, softened


3 XL (160g) eggs

vanilla paste

1 teaspoon (7g) vanilla bean paste

caster sugar

1 cup (240g) caster sugar


2 cups (240g) flour


⅔ cup (180g) milk


cream cheese

¼ cup (60g) lactose free cream cheese


2 tablespoon (25g) butter, softened

vanilla paste

½ teaspoon (4g) vanilla bean paste

icing sugar

¾ cup (105g) icing sugar

red food colouring

approx. 4-5 drops red food colouring

blue food colouring

approx. 4-5 drops Blue food colouring

Recommended product from Lo-Fo Pantry


Step 1

Preheat fan-forced oven to 160°C (325°F) and line a 5cm (8.8inch) cake tin.

Step 2

Beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy.

Step 3

Add eggs, one at a time mixing on low speed.

Step 4

Add vanilla paste.

Step 5

Fold in baking mix, and then milk.

Step 6

Transfer batter into your cake tin.

Step 7

Bake for approximately 45-50minutes, or until cooked through.

Step 8

Remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool.

Step 9

Meanwhile, place cream cheese, butter and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Beat until pale. On low speed, gradually add icing sugar mixture, mixing until combined.

Step 10

Divide icing mix into 3 separate bowls, adding red food coloring to one, blue to another, and leaving the last as is.

Step 11

Once cake is cool, place icing on cake in alternating stripes of color, or in a desired pattern using blueberries and raspberries.

*Recipe approved by FODMAP Friendly to the recommended serving size as appropriate for a low FODMAP diet

Recommended product from Lo-Fo Pantry

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